How Do I Tag on Facebook: Tagging someone on Facebook creates a link to their profile and the post may be added to their timeline. You can tag a photo to show who is in the photo as well as post a status update, and say who are with. After you've tagged a friend, anyone who sees that update, can click on their names and be lead straight to their profiles. Once someone is tagged, Facebook sends him or her notifications.
You can enable privacy settings that keep your tags in timeline review, from where you decide if you would want to allow on your timeline. In this tutorial, we would show you how to tag someone to posts or photos on your mobile phone.
You can enable privacy settings that keep your tags in timeline review, from where you decide if you would want to allow on your timeline. In this tutorial, we would show you how to tag someone to posts or photos on your mobile phone.
How to Tag on Facebook
- Open the Facebook app. It's a blue app icon with a white f.Log in, if you're not signed in automatically. Due to some person's privacy settings, you may not be able to tag them or their businesses.
- To tag someone in a picture
- Tap an image in one of your photo albums, on your Timeline, or on another's Timeline.
- Tap the icon shaped like a shopping tag at the top of the screen.
- Tap anywhere on the photo. Usually, tags of people appearing in a photo are placed on top of their image, but you can tap anywhere you like.
- Start typing the name of a person.
- Tap the name of the person you want to tag when it appears in the dialog box. Doing so tags them in the picture.
- Tap X in the upper-left when you're finished. Your friend will receive a notification that you tagged them in a picture
- Start a new post by tapping the status update prompt at the top of your News feed or Timeline. It will read "What's on your mind...?", "Would you like to share an update...?", or something similar.
- Tap Tag People. It can be found next to a blue silhouette near the bottom of the screen. If you don't see this option, tap Add to your post below the message prompt to open the menu of options.
- Tap Who are you with? at the top of the screen.
- Alternatively, tap someone who appears in the "SUGGESTIONS" list on the screen.
- Start typing the name of a person.
- Tap the name of the person you want to tag when it appears on the screen. Type other people's names and tap them if you want to tag more than one person.
- Tap Done in the upper-right when you're finished. On Android, the button may be labeled Next.
- Write a comment and tap Post in the upper-right corner. Your post will appear on your Timeline, and the other user will receive a notification that you tagged them in a post.
Tag Someone by Typing their Name
- Start a post or a comment on another post, photo, or video.
- Start typing someone's name anywhere in the post or comment. Facebook will make suggestions as you type.
- Alternatively, type @ before typing a name. This lets Facebook know that you want to tag someone in your post or comment.
- Tap the name of the user you want to tag when it appears.
- Tap Post in the upper-right. Your post or comment will be posted, and the other user will receive a notification that you tagged them in a post.
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