Please How Do I Recover Deleted Request on Facebook: If you have ever received a friend request or someone you are not really comfortable with being friends with. After you have received friend request from someone you are not interested in being friends with you can simply select 'Ignore' to decline the friend request. They will not be notified of this move and they will be able to still send you a request in the future if they wish.
But wait if you mistakenly deleted the request of someone you know and would want to recover it? Well Facebook has introduced a 'not now' default,and you can just click that and consider if you would want to accept the request because there is no way to recover friend requests you have deleted. The most you can do, is contact them to send you another request if you know the, or you send the a request.
How to recover deleted request.
To find Facebook friend-requests that you previously received, but decided to postpone at the time using the Not Now option, you should:
How to recover deleted request.
To find Facebook friend-requests that you previously received, but decided to postpone at the time using the Not Now option, you should:
- Click on the Friend Requests icon on the top menu-bar. A menu will open.
- Click on See All at the bottom of that menu.
- There, you will see all of your previously-received friend-requests.
- Confirm or Delete Request, if.
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