How to Create a Poll on FB Website: Creating a poll on Facebook is an easier means for users to discover what their followers prefer on a list of topics. Facebook members can also use polls to make choices from diverse opinions they would have gathered.
Facebook polling has become a tool that allows marketers, brands and bloggers to connect with potential buyers and readers in addition to uncovering what content their audience finds more interesting.Whether a brand, or everyday social media user looking for some helpful suggestions from your social network, listed below are steps on how to create a Facebook poll.
How to Create a Facebook Poll
Step 1:Log in and search
First, log into your Facebook page and search “poll” in the search bar.
If you are already logged into your account, you just type into the search bar “Facebook poll” and you will get directed right to the Polls page by selecting “Make a Poll on Your Page”.
Step 2: Allow access
Select the Polls app from the drop-down list and click “Go to Polls”. You will then be asked for Poll’s permission to access your basic information and to access your profile information. Click allow to get directed to the polls page.Then you can create limitless polls that can be posted on your personal profile as well as any other pages you manage.
Facebook polling has become a tool that allows marketers, brands and bloggers to connect with potential buyers and readers in addition to uncovering what content their audience finds more interesting.Whether a brand, or everyday social media user looking for some helpful suggestions from your social network, listed below are steps on how to create a Facebook poll.
How to Create a Facebook Poll
Step 1:Log in and search
First, log into your Facebook page and search “poll” in the search bar.
If you are already logged into your account, you just type into the search bar “Facebook poll” and you will get directed right to the Polls page by selecting “Make a Poll on Your Page”.

Step 2: Allow access
Select the Polls app from the drop-down list and click “Go to Polls”. You will then be asked for Poll’s permission to access your basic information and to access your profile information. Click allow to get directed to the polls page.Then you can create limitless polls that can be posted on your personal profile as well as any other pages you manage.
Step 3: Create new poll
Choose “Create a new poll” towards the top right of the page and choose which page you would like to post your poll. Fill in the content of your poll, beginning with the question you would want to receive feedback about.
Type your question in the “Question” box and your answers in the “Answers” box. You may only add one answer per line in the Answer section, as shown in the image below.
Choose “Create a new poll” towards the top right of the page and choose which page you would like to post your poll. Fill in the content of your poll, beginning with the question you would want to receive feedback about.
Type your question in the “Question” box and your answers in the “Answers” box. You may only add one answer per line in the Answer section, as shown in the image below.

Step 4: Customize your poll
Custom tools include the ability to add photos and videos to your poll by uploading basic source code information. This is quite easy, and Facebook even offers instructions that outline the process.
To add images to your question, first locate the copy image address by right clicking on your image. You will find in the dropdown “copy image address”, which you should select. Then in your Answers box, type “<img”, paste the image address right after, and end with “>”. If you wanted a picture next to Pepsi for example, the full text on one line would read “Pepsi <imgsrc=”” />
To add a video, you would follow the same process as uploading pictures. On the desired video, right click and copy “embed code”. Then in the Answers boc, instead of writing “Pepsi <img alt="" />” for images you would write “Pepsi <iframe>” for a video.</iframe>
With a little knowledge of HTML and CSS, you have the option of further decorating your poll’s answers with color and font styling elements.
Once satisfied with your Questions and Answers content, check a box if you’would like to allow voters to add other answers or if your poll is in Right-to-Left language (such as Arabic). Choose a vote button caption - which is generally just vote - and then add tags for public pages. Tags can attract more voters if you’re interested in a wealth of opinions.
Premium options
The basic Poll option allows users to write multiple answers, shows voters’ faces and displays results ordered by popularity. Premium features can be purchased for $9.99 a month or $19.99 a year for extra options such as hiding results after voting, showing comments on the poll and blocking ads - to name a few.
Facebook also offers marketing options of posting the page’s wall, wall post on poll’s Facebook, Twitter and G+ pages and advertisement of your poll to get more votes.
Custom tools include the ability to add photos and videos to your poll by uploading basic source code information. This is quite easy, and Facebook even offers instructions that outline the process.
To add images to your question, first locate the copy image address by right clicking on your image. You will find in the dropdown “copy image address”, which you should select. Then in your Answers box, type “<img”, paste the image address right after, and end with “>”. If you wanted a picture next to Pepsi for example, the full text on one line would read “Pepsi <imgsrc=”” />
To add a video, you would follow the same process as uploading pictures. On the desired video, right click and copy “embed code”. Then in the Answers boc, instead of writing “Pepsi <img alt="" />” for images you would write “Pepsi <iframe>” for a video.</iframe>

With a little knowledge of HTML and CSS, you have the option of further decorating your poll’s answers with color and font styling elements.
Once satisfied with your Questions and Answers content, check a box if you’would like to allow voters to add other answers or if your poll is in Right-to-Left language (such as Arabic). Choose a vote button caption - which is generally just vote - and then add tags for public pages. Tags can attract more voters if you’re interested in a wealth of opinions.
Premium options
The basic Poll option allows users to write multiple answers, shows voters’ faces and displays results ordered by popularity. Premium features can be purchased for $9.99 a month or $19.99 a year for extra options such as hiding results after voting, showing comments on the poll and blocking ads - to name a few.
Facebook also offers marketing options of posting the page’s wall, wall post on poll’s Facebook, Twitter and G+ pages and advertisement of your poll to get more votes.

Step 5: Submit poll
Finally, if satisfied with your poll and Poll Package, click “Create Poll”, invite friends to your Poll page and publish your poll.
You would have successfully created a poll and you would just wait for feedback.
Finally, if satisfied with your poll and Poll Package, click “Create Poll”, invite friends to your Poll page and publish your poll.
You would have successfully created a poll and you would just wait for feedback.
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