Facebook Profile Picture Editor: Facebook profile picture basically helps set you apart from other Facebook users bearing similar names. You can change your Facebook profile picture whenever you wish. Most people put prefer to put striking photos of them as their profile picture.To change your profile picture, make sure you have the desired photo you want to use saved somewhere on your computer’s hard drive or in your mobile phone, and follow these steps:
How to Change Facebook Profile Picture
From a Desktop Browser
- Login to Facebook.
- Select “Photos” , this is found in the explore section.
- Navigate to and select the photo you wish to use for your profile.
- Select “Options” at the bottom of the screen, then choose “Make Profile Picture“.
- Crop the photo to your desired size.
- Select “Save“, and the photo is set as your profile pic.
From a Mobile Browser
- Login to the Facebook mobile site.
- Tap the “Menu”
button in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- Select “Photos“. (You may have to select “See more” first.)
- Select the photo you wish to set as your profile picture.
- Select the “Make Profile Picture” link, then select “Confirm“.
From the iPhone & iPad App
- Open the Facebook app.
- Select yourself at the top of the screen to access your profile page.
- Select the “Edit” option in your existing profile photo.
- From the Android App
- Open the Facebook app.
- Tap the icon that looks like a person.
- Select the “Edit” option in your existing profile photo.
- Choose “Select Profile Picture“.
- Navigate to and select the photo you wish to use for your profile.
You got your profile picture changed!
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